Tasting Channing Daughters 2018 Petillant Naturel Merlot/Lagrein

Christopher: Alright, Anthony!

Anthony: Howdy Christopher!

Christopher: What’d ya got there?

Anthony: I am trying the new “PetNat” Merlot/Lagrein blend

Christopher: Oh, perfect for this hot, muggy, humid day, right?

Anthony: Indeed, it is

Christopher: Oh and look at that, it opened nice and clean, right? No spill-over.

Anthony: Chilled extremely well

Christopher: Well, how’d we chill it, c’mon pick it up, show the people! ‘Cause we have no ice here. So what’d we do? Oh check it out, we got our ice packs, we put it in a bucket of water, and we chilled it for like 15 minutes. That was it, cold enough - 

Anthony: - ready to go

Christopher: Ready to go and awesome! So how’s that 2018 Merlot/Lagrein “PetNat” taste this year?

Anthony: It’s a phenomenal wine. I’m a big fan of these “PetNats” and this one is absolutely delicious.

Christopher: I can’t resist man, keep talking. I’m getting a glass. Tell ‘em what’s in it.

Anthony: It is 80% - oh, 96% Merlot, 4% Lagrein. And a delicious blend.

Christopher: When do you like to drink these? What do you like to eat?

Anthony: Fun and playful! I like this pre-dinner, I have a little charcuterie board. Indeed, a great lower alcohol, keeps me, keeps me good for evening.

Christopher: Right, 11% you can drink this all day long. You can take it to the beach, you can drink it by the pool. You can make cocktails with this.

Anthony: So many things.

Christopher: You can blend it with some of our local spirits. You can make great cocktails with our Vermouth, with our VerVino with this. Great by itself. Great with food. Just a joyful, awesome, happy wine.

Anthony: Playful wine. Cheers, brother!

Christopher: Always love playing with you, my friend.

Christopher: Alright, enjoy people, hope you guys love this one.

Anthony: Cheers!