Wall Street Journal

Pét-Nat: When Sparkling Wine Goes Au Naturel

PÉT-NAT MUST BE one of the cutest monikers in the wine world today. The whimsical nickname for pétillant-naturel, a slightly sparkling natural wine, also happens to capture its character best. Softly effervescent, sometimes quite frothy and ranging in style from dry to sweet, pét-nat can be as much fun to drink as it is to pronounce.

The word “fun” came up over and over again when I asked fans and producers why they liked pét-nat so much. I haven’t heard that adjective very often in wine conversations, but it’s cropped up with greater frequency over the past several years—usually during discussions about pét-nat, which has been showing up on more wine lists and store shelves. Continue Reading

2015 Channing Daughters Bianco Pétillant Naturel $25

Winemaker Christopher Tracy is famously restless, forever experimenting with one type of wine or another. His second batch of pét-nats includes this slightly cloudy, slightly sweet, frothy, floral delight.

—Lettie Teague

The Pursuit of Pinot Grigio With Personality

ASK ANY SERIOUS wine drinker to describe Pinot Grigio, and a stream of less-than-flattering adjectives is likely to follow: Watery. Insipid. Neutral. Boring. Few wines underwhelm as thoroughly as Pinot Grigio. Yet it's a consistent best seller—retailers tell me that they can't keep the stuff in stock. How to reconcile these seemingly opposing facts? Read More

—Lettie Teague

Rose Wines for Summer

Wine columnist Jay McInerney says some of the best rosés are from Provence—and Long Island.

Channing Daughters 2009 Rosato di Merlot is selected as a top pick in a tasting of 2009 Roses from around the world. 

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